
I finally decided that it was too much additional effort trying to make my regular web site display my photography in a way I liked and so I went out and tested some of the dedicated photography sites. These sites are aimed at people who want to sell prints but my main interest was in how they displayed the images. I finally settled on Zenfolio as they had a theme that I liked, one that included a full page slideshow, and so I’ve been slowly populating it with images. Shooting RAW affords me the “luxury” of  being able to play in a digital darkroom and that has allowed me to rescue some images that would have been discarded had they been JPEG. Hopefully my skills in Lightroom are improving, it’s certainly getting better although I’ve tried Capture One and I might migrate to it once Adobe want me to give them more money (especially if they decide to discontinue the non CC version of Lightroom).

You can visit the site at http://www.markpriorphotography.com and let it show you a sample of my work. Otherwise use the menu to visit the portfolio and a collection of trips. The slideshow feature seems to work best with the Chrome browser.

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